In the beginning, women had no financial power or rights.
- Marrying a man was basically required for survival.
- As they competed for the “best” men, women noticed what worked and Good Girl Rules were born.
The results are very similar to the boiling frog syndrome.
- If you raise the water temperature one degree at a time, a frog will stay in the water until it boils to death.
- The slow increase in water temperature is not noticeable.
The Good Girls became a deeply ingrained way of life as it was continuously drilled into women one generation after the next.
Women became responsible for more and more year after year.
Even though they now have financial sovereignty and technically no longer NEED a man in their lives for survival.
The Good Girl Rules continue to rule many women’s lives.
To be the selfless servant responsible for EVERYONE’S feelings!
- The ultimate people pleasers.
- With an endless to-do list.
- Feeling like an imposter in work and life.
Exhausted by carrying out the majority of nonpromotable work, being a good teammate, helping others, AND trying to do their own work too – before they start the home shift.
- Paid less than men.
- “ONLY” working at 60% of their potential according to some research.
Anger festering followed by guilt needing to be numbed.
What if BURNOUT is the “women’s version” of boiling a frog?
Stop the insanity!
Break free from the Good Girl Rules.
Discover the Delicious Life you are entitled to have.