What Would You Do?

Babe, want 22 years of more fun?

What would you do if you had 22 extra years of fun in your life?

Living life confidently, shining brightly – and enjoying the heck out of it?

Here’s the thing…

Doing my research for The Age-Defying Babes Club, I discovered two numbers that, when paired together, can dramatically change a woman’s life.

A woman is perceived and treated as older once she hits her 40s.

  • She’s expected to dim her light, act age-appropriate – and be okay with it all.

  • At least, that’s what society and the media tell us.

  • By age 45, the pressure is definitely on to conform to being an older woman.


BUT, when I checked into the medical world research, the average age at which people start to decline physically is 67.

AGE 67!!!

That means society, media, and more shove women into a space of expected decline and dimming TWENTY TWO YEARS earlier than their bodies do.

That’s 22 years where women don’t have to:

  • Feel like they are invisible.

  • Experience fewer promotions at work.

  • Have increased pressure to just be the caregiver in the family.

  • Accept people assuming they are tech illiterate due to age.

  • Feel less beautiful and less worthy of exciting relationships 

  • Accept that society assumes they have no big dreams left in them.

  • Be viewed as more fragile.

The list can go on and on!

The kicker is the garbage expectations about women 45+ and aging have been around for decades – basically stealing 22 years of vibrant lives filled with fun from generations of women.

Want 22 years of more fun in your life?

It can be yours to claim.

The purpose of The Age-Defying Babes Club is to bring together women who are claiming those 22 years by choosing an ageless life and helping them have their best year ever – fueled by the relationships they make with other Babes.


22 years.

What would you do if you could feel vibrant, confident and having a blast for 22 more years of your total life?