She Laughed at ME!

Sometimes the jiggle is just a jiggle.

It’s better to jiggle than wiggle – if you want to make the shot.

What an eye-opener!

A little over a month ago, I decided to get serious about my dream of making a 3-point shot and hired a coach to help me do it.

  • Joey has played basketball all his life and is a wicked point guard.

  • He trains me once a week on shooting baskets.

Mind you, I’ve never played basketball – or any team sport

AND, I could barely make a basket two feet from the hoop when we started five weeks ago.

Joey is very specific about my shooting form.

My hands, my fingers, my snap  – and more.

The problem?

As we get farther from the basket, I have to combine solid form with some oomph power from my legs.

My stumbling block?

  • When I do the combination correctly, I feel like the front of me is jiggling in aftershock!

  • Sort of like Santa’s stomach with some extra masses on top!

  • It messed with my mind.

I’m not used to the front of me jiggling so gleefully in public!

I felt exposed and awkward – even though Joey never commented on the jiggling – just the position of my hands.

I tried wiggling a bit to accommodate less jiggling – but my shots were a mess.

I realized if I want to keep progressing (I’m almost to the free-throw line!), I have to become okay with the jiggle in my front.


I reached out to my old trainer, Mollie, who was almost a pro basketball player, and shared my jiggling concerns.

She laughed her head off.

Seems jiggling bodies are normal (who knew?) and the problem was the story in my head about it.

If I want to make my 3-point shot one day, I’ve got to embrace the jiggle and stop the wiggle.

Game on!

What about you?

Do you embrace your jiggle – or cling to the wiggle so your story feels better?

Are you a woman 45+ ready to jiggle with sass?

Come jiggle with us in The Age-Defying Babes Club!