Pausing for a Reality Check

Constant Exhaustion is not normal
If you hear things enough times from enough people, you start to believe it’s true.

The data points line up.

BUT, what if it’s also why you are always so exhausted?

Women raised as Good Girls are taught to be selfless servants responsible for everyone else’s feelings.

You are only as worthy as you are doing.

The more you do, the more you are worth – or at least that’s how the story goes.

AND, you are only worthy if you are doing. 

If you can’t keep up, want a break – or need to stop, you’re obviously not that good.

Gotta keep up sister.

  • Raise your stress tolerance.
  • Meditate for two minutes.
  • Suck. It. Up.

It’s NOT true.

You don’t have to work (across all areas of your life) until you can barely function from exhaustion to prove your worth.

One of the biggest surprises my clients often have is realizing how much they were doing that they didn’t have to do!

  • They were unappreciated sacrificing their quality of life for what?

  • Now they are rested, happier – and have time to do what they love.
If you are tired of being exhausted, shift gears in your life.
Break free from the Good Girl Rules and discover time to do what you love, too.
Constant exhaustion is NOT normal.