Live Large with Us

Forget dropping 10. Instead, live your life large.

New Year’s Resolutions are generally a sucker’s bet.

Especially when it comes to losing weight.

80% of resolutions fail – and 95% of diets do too.

  • So I say screw it!
  • Making weight loss the focus of your new year is so ineffective.

Let’s shift gears and get you there using a different path – the Age-Defying Babes Way!

I challenge you to live YOUR life LARGE this year.

  • Focus on your pleasure.

  • Say NO with glee!

  • Surround yourself with a community that will cheer you on as you stretch, grow – and have a blast!

Interestingly, many of the women I’ve worked with over the years who commit to living large are often delighted to also find their clothes less snug in the process!

When you are focused on living large, you automatically start to relax and take better care of yourself.

PLUS, living large is much more fun than another starvation diet that won’t work in the long run anyhow.

Will you join us in living LARGE in 2025?

If living large is a new way of living for you, joining The Age-Defying Babes Club can help! Learn more here.