I Dare You to Say NO!

Don't say YES when you want to say NO

Can you imagine life without the automatic YES pouring out of your mouth to every request?

  • When you are raised as a Good Girl, automatic compliance is an expectation and a rule.

  • You are to be the selfless servant responsible for making everyone happy.

If you don’t hop to and do what you are asked, someone might get upset – which would give you demerits on the Good Girl scorecard.

Demerits would make you a Bad Girl – which puts your status as a Good Girl at risk.

Stress may start rising with just the thought… After all, you have been trained all your life to NOT be a BAD Girl!!!

It sounds a bit crazy when you think about it.

And yet, many women raised as Good Girls have internalized the automatic YES so deeply that they’ve long forgotten (or never realized) they can have an opinion – and say NO to a request for help.

Getting comfortable turning someone down is a skill combined with a mindset.

(Any woman can learn to do this if they are motivated.)

PLUS, it feels delicious when you get good at saying NO when you want to.